Friday, March 28, 2008

A sad day on Sugarberry Lane...

Mimi went home today. :( She has been with us for the last two weeks and it was heartbreaking to see her go. I have complete confidence in Dusty and myself, but there was just something comforting about having my mom close by as I am trying to figure out how to be a mom myself.

We cannot say thank you enough Mimi, you were an absolute blessing. And thanks to my dad and other family for sharing her with us!

Side note--Hudson cried for 20 minutes after she left. The most he's ever cried! We miss you already!


The Brewers said...

Hudson may have cried for 20 minutes...but I'm willing to bet mimi cried longer! If it makes you feel better I BAWLED when my mom was scarey...and my oh so stable hormones certainly didn't make it any better!!

The Cochran Fam said...

My mom planned on staying a week with us after Bailey was born. My dad drove down to pick her up and I had a melt down. I mean a bawling melt down! Dad ended up going home without her so she could stay a few more days. I totally know how you (and Hudson) feel!

Sisco Family said...

i remember standing in the driveway and sobbing while my mom pulled away after allie was born. it is hard! Ashley, you're already a fantastic mommy and dusty is a terrific father! enjoy it all! laugh ALOT!

JB said...

Oh girl, I know how hard that is. Mine was here over 2 weeks after Sara was born! She had to start preparing me days in advance before she left. Just remember a good cry every day or two the first few months of Hudson's life means you are normal! :)