Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Good News/Bad News!

So good news first! Hooray for Hudson! He turned and is now head down!!!! We couldn't believe it! I really have no idea when it happened, but we saw him with our own eyes today on the ultrasound. So not only is my son stubborn, but now he's sneaky!!

And the bad news. Since this is my first baby, I will likely go late. Which means four to five more weeks. UGGGHHH! My due date is March 19th, but my doctor said it could be as late as the 26th. I mean really? I'm already waddling and popping TUMS like they are candy. day within the next month, it will all be worth it! I'll keep you posted!


The Brewers said...

First kids come late my rear!! Remember Brady was 5 weeks EARLY!!! Hang in there and YEA for being head down! we can't wait to meet Hudson!

Steve Bezner said...

I really can't comment on whether your child will be early or late. I hope early just for you, but I'll leave the biology discussion to the women.

I can confirm that the waddle was despised by my wife during the late stages.

The last month there was no room for me in the bed because she would surround herself with pillows. I either had to sleep on the edge of Pillow Everest or on the couch.

The Cochran Fam said...

Yeah for Hudson turning! And first babies aren't always late - Bailey was five days early. Hang in there - not much longer!

Jessica said...

I'm so glad that Hudson turned! :)
But I'm sad that he may come late...I guess I'm going to be way off on my guess (March 2nd)!

You were correct on your I guess I owe you $5! :)
I thought it was cheese with flowers in it...I was prettttty wrong :)

Unknown said...

I'm so excited...very soon!!! Spend this time filing your fingernails and reading won't be quiet for long!!! I totally know the feeling of wanting to hold him in your arms though! I also had moments of feeling like I was ready to share the holding experience with Daddy...partly because of the pain and partly because I knew it'd be super sweet! Praise God that he's turned Ashley! That is so wonderful! Do the doctors figure he's stuck now! I imagine he's growing like crazy!!! I can't wait to check on this blog and here you're on the way to the'll do that for your blogger world, right?!?! Depending on your pain level...but I am definitely anxious for pictures!!!

Tight Hugs for you sweet friend and I'll be praying for a safe labor and delivery and an incredible instant bond with your sweet baby!!! Love ya lots!!!

amandalynn said...

Ashley, I'm SO excited for you! I cannot WAIT to see this baby.

I miss you and Dusty TONS and I'm really excited to come home for spring break and see everyone.

I'm glad to hear you're doing well! LOVE YOU!
- Amanda

Shanna Bean said...

Hi Sweet Ashely,

It's Shanna Hymes Bean. I am so excited I just found your blog. Congratulations on precious Baby Hudson. I know you are going to love being a Mom and that you will be a simply tremendous Mom! I have two precious boys and they are so much fun.

You can check out our blog at Is it ok if I add a link to your blog on my blog?