Sunday, January 3, 2010

Operation Big Boy Bed

We decided to go ahead and move Hudson into his new room last night, since sister is well on her way to taking over his crib! (More on that later.) We were certain that he would be up and out of the bed all night long, but PRAISE JESUS, he slept in it all night! Now, it did take him an hour to fall asleep, but he never cried and never tried to get out, so I think our first night of Operation Big Boy Bed was quite a success! We'll see how it goes tonight!

A little update: Ellie has decided to make an early appearance into the world! At my 35 week appointment last Wednesday I was already dilated to a 2! What?! I went into a state of panic for a few days, because we were NOT ready! But I have calmed down now and we have quickly gotten everything ready for baby. And I have been having regular contractions since Thursday, so we'll see what happens! We'll keep you updated! 2010 is starting off in full force for the Brewer family!


ashley said...

Whoa baby! A TWO!!!! Miss Ellie is going to do things on her own timing! I never hit a two before being induced both times.. Yeah for big brother Hudson doing so well in his bed. :) I'll be waiting excitedly for updates.

The Brewers said...

so cute in the big boy bed! Brady still doesn't get out of his bed...I don't think he realizes he can!!! Come on Ellie!

Ebes said...

yea for baby Ellie!! Keep us posted!! Oh, and I will need all the tricks/bribes/prayers you used to get Hudson to stay in the BBB...we will go through that this summer and already I am scared! praying for you!!

Sisco Family said...

wow... go ellie! :) can't wait to meet ya! hudson looks so tiny in that big bed! keep us posted!