Monday, December 13, 2010

Away In a Manger

If you have little ones, I would highly recommend investing in the Little People Nativity set! We have loved watching Hudson make the Christmas story come alive while playing with the manger set. He talks through it and sings Away In a Manger and Happy Birthday Jesus...makes my heart so happy! Ellie likes to eat the animals and throw the manger on the floor...she's a sweet baby!

Stay tuned for the big performance this week! He's telling everyone that he's going to sing on the stage at church. We'll see.


Sisco Family said...

we have one and LOVE it.... i think we all might need a video of hudson singing away in a manger... too cute! go the christmas card today and it's hanging in the kitchen!

Angie said...

I will be glad to add those songs to my "singing like Hudson" playlist. Sometimes I give Livi a Hudson-rendition of Old MacDonald and Mary Had a Little Lamb. Adam likes it.

Lydia said...

Henry & Levi each have a nativity set, and they set them both up to have a war against each other! Now that is the true meaning of Christmas!