Monday, November 17, 2008

Blog Roll

I've changed things up a bit and added some new friends, so I thought I would let all my readers know a little bit about all my fellow bloggers. I am openly admitting that I am a blog stalker and if you are reading this right now, you probably are too! So you know you want to know who these people are! Here we go:

1. Adam: My brother-in-law who needs serious blog help. I love him, but he's not a good blogger. Maybe having a baby will help!

2. Aimee: Aimee was my Bible study leader at Tech and we have kept up through emails, cards and now blogs! She was a super important person in my life in college and I love checking up on her precious family. And she gives coupon updates!!

3. Alicia: We met while working at Pine Cove in college and she has always been constant friend in my life! She's having a baby in the spring! Can't wait to meet Baby Kiser!

4. Ashley: This is one of my dearest friends! We also met at PC and worked all four summers together. We have been in each others weddings, met up for girls weekends and share of love of sweets! She's having baby #2 in the winter!

5. Audrey Caroline: Okay, this is a new blog for me. I came across this from my friend Jenn and then my mom told me she had been secretly stalking this blog as well. Get your kleenexes ready people! This is written by a mom named Angi, whose husband is part of the Christian group Selah. They lost their sweet baby girl Audrey this past year and Angi has blogged the entire story. She is now using her blog to minister to other moms and families who have lost children. I spent an entire evening reading/crying from the beginning of their journey. It is a very special blog. Mascara alert!!

6. Becca: Another Pine Cove buddy, who makes me laugh hysterically! She has recently moved to Austin and I love getting to see her!

7. Erin: This is a childhood/high school/youth group friend who I have recently caught up with all because of blogger! Yea! She is blogging all about living with her newborn son Parker!

8. Jana: Erin's sister and also a Kaufman friend. She has two adorable girls and her blog is written from the perspective of her youngest's so funny!

9. Julie Cole: Julie is the little sister I never had! Poor thing always got drug along with her older sister and I growing up, but now she's a mommy of two!

10. Jessica: Jess is a recent graduate from our youth group and now a freshman at A&M. She was a huge part of our ministry here and now I get to read about what God is teaching her in college. But I sure miss her hanging out with me in my classroom!

11. Joy: Joy and I met when Dusty and I started dating and now she is one of my most special friends! Joy and her family ministered to us in a big way when we were first married and we love getting to visit them when we go home!

12. Julie Beth: JB and I are also childhood friends from Kaufman. I was the little sister who tagged along with her and my older sister. I'm sure I was a pest to her, but she remained my friend anyway! I get to read about her girls in Tennessee!

(Oops, I think I'm off.)
13. Jennifer: Jenn and I went to high school together and she married one of my friends that I had know since we were babies! She blogs about her two little ones...who are adorable!

14. Julie Hubik: Julie is a very special friend from college. She and I can go a year without seeing each other and pick up right where we left off! Julie was a prayer warrior for me during some hard times and I still turn to her for advice. She's expecting baby 2 in the spring!

15. Kim: Oh Kim! This is my very best friend from childhood! We share so many memories together, most are too embarrassing to talk about, but I wouldn't trade them for the world! She is a very funny blogger who often makes her titles into songs that get stuck in your head all day! And her son is her mini-me!

16. Lydia: Lydia is a dear friend who I've known in lots of capacities! Tech, Pine Cove, Dallas...she knows way too much about me, but loves me anyway! We've shared lots of laughs and tears together over the years and hope there are many more to come! She blogs about her life as a newlywed and gives great movie reviews!

17. Mandy: I met Mandy at Pine Cove and shared all four summers with her. We have many memories from camp, some good, some not so good! And many memories of scrapbooking and eating way too much! She shares her life with two kids and one on the way as they live full time at PC!

18. Marilea: Another Kaufman friend who I caught up with over the last year! Marilea and I were often mistaken for sisters in HS because we were together...a lot! She blogs about her princess and her peanut...too cute!

19. Molly: Molly is a new addition to my blog roll! Molly and Dusty went to college together at Hardin-Simmons and I have loved getting to know her over the last several years. She is a super-funny blogger who shares her life with two kiddos!

20. Steve: Last but not least, Steve. Even though he has known Dusty for a looong time, I count Steve one of my friends too! He's married to Joy and like I mentioned before, they were such good friends to us when we first got married and have kept up with us over the last three years that we've been away. Steve is a professor at heart, so his blogs are VERY intellectual and deep. Prepare yourself for some thinkin' when you read Steve's blog!!

Okay, I know this was way long, but it was fun, right?! Now you know who all my blog friends are! By the way, if you didn't catch a common thread among many of my bloggers, you might want to be careful of stalking too much. You might catch the baby bug that is spreading around! I'm being super-careful! Don't want to catch anything here just yet!

Happy Stalking!!


Steve Bezner said...

Hey! I resemble that remark!

JB said...

Great idea Ashley. Please tell Angie to update her blog more :) I would LOVE to keep up with her, and I LOVE reading about your family, too!